Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week 20- Size of a Mango!

It is your first Christmas! Mommy is still loving being pregnant. It is such a blessing and miracle! We spent Christmas Eve at the Shanahan side. Grandma Cindi had the whole family over. Then, we celebrated Christmas day at Grandma Lisa & Papa Dan's house.

 Your Baby
Your baby will be developing regular sleep patterns by now, so much so that you may be aware of them – especially since most babies get more active when mom tries to go to sleep. If your baby is a boy, his testes will have started to drop into his scrotum, and if your baby is a girl, her uterus is now completely formed. At this point in your baby's development, most of its energy is going towards gaining weight. Your baby is no longer the length of a pickle but that of a banana (a fruit which you should be eating due to its high potassium levels). The placenta is now as thick as it will get, and it is still busy supplying your baby with all the nutrients, oxygen and waste disposal required. If you’re having twins, both may be sharing one placenta or they may each have one of their own.

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