Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 18- Dragon fruit

You continue drumming on my tummy at night! I can faintly feel you here and there during the day but your favorite time seems to be after dinner time. Daddy can feel you every time he puts his hand on my stomach at night time! It has been fun for he and I to relax and watch tv together while feeling your little kicks! I always wonder what you are up to in there!

Next week, daddy and I find out if you are a boy or a girl! Daddy thinks you will be a girl but I think you will be a boy! Here are some other guesses:

Grandma Lisa- Girl
PaPa Dan- Girl
Uncle Nate- Girl
Aunt Noelle- Boy
Great Grandma June- Girl
Grandma Cindi- Boy
Great Grandma Phyllis- Boy
Uncle Dave- Boy
Aunt Jen- Boy
Aunt Jess- Boy

Like I said from the very beginning: I don't care what you are as long as you are happy, healthy and have a kind heart!

Your Baby
Your baby is about the size of a pickle now, and its weight will increase about 6 fold over the next month. This is true for twins as well. Fully surrounded by amniotic fluid, your baby is practicing breathing with amniotic fluid, and its chest is moving in rhythm as if breathing air. Your baby's hearing has now developed so that sounds outside the womb can be heard much clearer. The immune system is busy preparing for life on the outside as well. Myelin (a protective coating of the nerves) is now being produced. An ultrasound at this point would be able to detect any abnormal structural issues, although birth defects are rare and nothing to be worrying about. Your baby's umbilical cord is growing to continue to support your baby's growing needs.

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