Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 17- Orange- Playing Soccer in My Belly!

I have been enjoying feeling your little kicks every evening! This is also the first week that people are finally starting to notice my growing belly! I love having a little baby bump.

 Your Baby
Those veins that have been showing through your baby's skin are becoming less obvious as fat begins to form. Even though your baby has had taste buds for quite some time, it is only now that differences in flavor are made. Your baby is now the same size as the placenta and its little heart is busy continuing to pump 25 quarts of blood a day. The meconium (the first bowel movement your baby will have after birth) is now forming in your little one’s bowel. Your baby is now big enough to fit into the palm of your hand, and is about the size of a small bakes potato. Your baby's brain is communicating constantly with the nervous system and muscles, and feeling movement is more likely now.

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