Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas- Ryan, Nicole and Our Baby Girl

Daddy and I were so happy to have gotten the best early Christmas gift- Finding out that you are a girl! We decided to tell the rest of our family and friends in our Christmas cards. We had our the photographer that took pictures at our wedding come over to our house and take pictures!

Week 20- Size of a Mango!

It is your first Christmas! Mommy is still loving being pregnant. It is such a blessing and miracle! We spent Christmas Eve at the Shanahan side. Grandma Cindi had the whole family over. Then, we celebrated Christmas day at Grandma Lisa & Papa Dan's house.

 Your Baby
Your baby will be developing regular sleep patterns by now, so much so that you may be aware of them – especially since most babies get more active when mom tries to go to sleep. If your baby is a boy, his testes will have started to drop into his scrotum, and if your baby is a girl, her uterus is now completely formed. At this point in your baby's development, most of its energy is going towards gaining weight. Your baby is no longer the length of a pickle but that of a banana (a fruit which you should be eating due to its high potassium levels). The placenta is now as thick as it will get, and it is still busy supplying your baby with all the nutrients, oxygen and waste disposal required. If you’re having twins, both may be sharing one placenta or they may each have one of their own.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Will I Be A Ginger Girl Or A Ginger Guy?

Daddy and I could not wait very long to share the good news- That you are a girl!

The Shanahan Side
We shared with the Shanahan side of the family on December 19th which was the same day we had our ultrasound. Grandpa Jeff, Grandma Cindi, Aunt Jen, Uncle Chris, Grandma Phyllis, Uncle Jason and your cousin Alyssa were there. We went to Nick's Pizza Pub. We played a gingerbread card game. Everyone in the family got a scratch off gingerbread card. All the cards had ginger boys and ginger girls on them except the one winning card. The winning card had three girls on it. Whoever, got the winning card had to yell out if you were a boy or girl. Aunt Jen got the winning card and she told everyone at the table that you were a girl. I gave her a book called, "The Gingerbread Baby" to always remember that day. Afterwards, we ate gingerbread girl cookies that I made. I decorated them by making pink frosting dresses with bows.

 The McCord Side

Today (December 20th), we shared the news with the McCord side. Papa Dan, Grandma Lisa, Uncle Nate and Aunt Noelle were there. We played the same gingerbread game with them. I decorated boy and girl gingerbread cookies this time and I had each of them pick the cookie that showed if they thought you were a boy/girl on the plate in front of them. This is what they picked:

Grandma Lisa- Ginger Girl
Grandpa Dan- Ginger Guy
Uncle Nate- Ginger Guy
Aunt Noelle- Ginger Guy

Grandma Lisa got the winning girl card! Grandma Lisa got to keep a Gingerbread Baby book too. They were all very happy to hear the news! Afterwards, we ate a mostaccoli dinner together to celebrate!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Week 19- Grapefruit- It's A......?!?!?!?

 Today we had our big 20 week ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was laughing as she watched you. She said, "This one likes to move!" She also thought it was funny how you kept pressing your legs up against my stomach and holding them there. She said, "No wonder you feel her all the time!"

The ultrasound tech spent 15 minutes measuring and checking to make sure everything was healthy and growing on track. Afterwards, she asked if we wanted to know what you were. She then said, "It looks like it's a baby.....girl!" I was so surprised! I said, "REALLY?!?!" Daddy was not too surprised because he thought you were a girl all along! We are both so excited!

The best part of all is that you are healthy! The Dr. said, "Everything looks perfect. All the things that are supposed to be there are there, and there is nothing there that should not be there!" Notice your feet pressed up against my tummy in the ultrasound photo! So cute!

Your Uncle Nate also got engaged during my 19th week of pregnancy on December 23rd, 2012! Rebecca will be your aunt soon and you will get to be a flower girl in their wedding :)

Your Baby
Your baby is now covered in vernix (a white protective coating) that keeps your baby’s skin from damage inside its watery world. Some babies are born with this coating still present, but the closer to the due date, the less there will be. Your baby is looking more like a baby than ever before, with proportioned arms and legs, fat layers under the skin, and clearly defined facial features. If your little one is a girl, she will already have half of all the eggs she will be born with (in order to give you grandchildren someday). Sex organs are now identifiable, so if you want to know if you’re having a girl or a boy – you’re about to find out. And if you’re having twins, you might be having one of each. Right now your baby is only awake about 6 hours a day.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 18- Dragon fruit

You continue drumming on my tummy at night! I can faintly feel you here and there during the day but your favorite time seems to be after dinner time. Daddy can feel you every time he puts his hand on my stomach at night time! It has been fun for he and I to relax and watch tv together while feeling your little kicks! I always wonder what you are up to in there!

Next week, daddy and I find out if you are a boy or a girl! Daddy thinks you will be a girl but I think you will be a boy! Here are some other guesses:

Grandma Lisa- Girl
PaPa Dan- Girl
Uncle Nate- Girl
Aunt Noelle- Boy
Great Grandma June- Girl
Grandma Cindi- Boy
Great Grandma Phyllis- Boy
Uncle Dave- Boy
Aunt Jen- Boy
Aunt Jess- Boy

Like I said from the very beginning: I don't care what you are as long as you are happy, healthy and have a kind heart!

Your Baby
Your baby is about the size of a pickle now, and its weight will increase about 6 fold over the next month. This is true for twins as well. Fully surrounded by amniotic fluid, your baby is practicing breathing with amniotic fluid, and its chest is moving in rhythm as if breathing air. Your baby's hearing has now developed so that sounds outside the womb can be heard much clearer. The immune system is busy preparing for life on the outside as well. Myelin (a protective coating of the nerves) is now being produced. An ultrasound at this point would be able to detect any abnormal structural issues, although birth defects are rare and nothing to be worrying about. Your baby's umbilical cord is growing to continue to support your baby's growing needs.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Daddy Felt You Kick at 17 Weeks!

Today was the first time I had daddy try to feel your kicks. He was able to feel them! The first day he felt you was December 10th, 2012 while I was just finishing up my 17th week of pregnancy. You got a few pretty good jabs in for only being the size of an orange. He was so excited. He told his family about it the next day. You must be a strong little thing because according to a lot of the information I have read, it is still pretty early for a dad to be able to feel from the outside! Go little navel orange!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 17- Orange- Playing Soccer in My Belly!

I have been enjoying feeling your little kicks every evening! This is also the first week that people are finally starting to notice my growing belly! I love having a little baby bump.

 Your Baby
Those veins that have been showing through your baby's skin are becoming less obvious as fat begins to form. Even though your baby has had taste buds for quite some time, it is only now that differences in flavor are made. Your baby is now the same size as the placenta and its little heart is busy continuing to pump 25 quarts of blood a day. The meconium (the first bowel movement your baby will have after birth) is now forming in your little one’s bowel. Your baby is now big enough to fit into the palm of your hand, and is about the size of a small bakes potato. Your baby's brain is communicating constantly with the nervous system and muscles, and feeling movement is more likely now.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Maternity Clothes Shopping!

This weekend I finally boxed up my regular clothes and went maternity clothes shopping. I am so excited to have a little baby bump forming! People are finally starting to notice and comment on my belly this week :)