Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 40- Rylan Renee Shanahan is here!

You are finally here! Daddy and I absolutely adore you. We have both never been happier in our lives. We are both thanking God for you. I don't think we could have hand picked a more perfect baby.

On Saturday, May 11th, 2013, my water began leaking. Daddy and I went to the hospital and they did a test and it came back negative for amniotic fluid. So they sent us home. We celebrated Mother's Day early with Grandma Lisa, Papa Dan, Aunt Noelle and Uncle Nate later that day. That night I started leaking more fluid. I went to bed and decided I would see how it was in the morning. Four hours later I woke up still leaking fluid. Daddy and I drove to the hospital again at 4 am on the morning of Mother's Day. When we got to the hospital they tested me again and it came back positive and the nurse looked at us and said, "You are going to have your baby!" Daddy and I were so surprised and excited! Twenty hours later you were born at 39 weeks and 6 days, just one day before your due date.

First we had each other,
Then we had you,
Now we have everything.

Rylan Renee Shanahan
May 13th, 2013
3:15 a.m.
7 pounds 7 ounces
20.5 inches long

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