Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 35- Coconut

We had our final ultrasound this week at 35 weeks. The Dr. said you are in position for birth and everything looks great! They say you are about 6 1/2 lbs and that if you are born at 40 weeks you will probably be about 8 1/2 lbs. The ultrasound tech was laughing again because your feet were resting on top of my tummy! They were the same way at our 19 week ultrasound! She took a picture of your feet resting on my belly. She said it looks like you are holding it up like my belly is going to cave in :) Keep holding on in there little Rylan and keep growing!

Babies Sleep/Wake Pattern

  • Wakes up really early in the morning! Around 6 am and stays awake through breakfast!
  • Rests most of the afternoon
  • Wakes back up in the evening around dinner time and is VERY ACTIVE the rest of the night!
Your Baby
Your baby is about five and a half pounds and this is the start of rapid weight gain (not for you). If you’re carrying twins they will weigh slightly less, as they don’t have as much room to grow. From now until birth your baby will gain approximately one third of a pound per week. A lot of this is the all-important fat to keep your little one warm for the first few weeks after your baby is born. This brown fat is different from the white fat that we women know well. Brown fat contains more cells that create body heat, and this in turn prevents hypothermia. This brown fat appears on your baby's upper spine, back and shoulders. When Grandma pinches your baby's adorable chubby cheeks, it’s the white fat that she’s turning pink.

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