Mommy is still resting at home to keep the contractions from affecting the pregnancy. Other than that, I am feeling great! I still love being pregnant and feeling your little kicks and jabs on a daily basis. So far, the doctor is happy to report that everything looks good!
Your Baby
With space becoming increasingly scarce for your
baby every day, movements may begin to be less dramatic and much slower,
almost as if your little one is practicing a synchronized swimming
routine. The fetal position is becoming a familiar position to your
baby. Your baby can now use all five of the senses, and is busy looking
about, practicing breathing, grabbing whatever your baby can reach,
tasting amniotic fluid, and listening to the sound of your and your
partner’s voice. If you’re carrying twins, there is even less space for
your babies to move, and they may decide to make an early appearance
this month. Your baby or babies, will weigh about three and a half
pounds at this point.
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