Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 33- Durian Fruit

Happy Easter! We are thanking Jesus that you are healthy and growing bigger by the day! The Shanahan's were out of town for Easter. Grandma Lisa, Grandpa Dan and Aunt Noelle came to our house to celebrate. We had a really good meal and relaxed. We talked about how next year, you will be at the table with us!

Feeling lots of hiccups in there!

Your Baby
Even though your baby's bones are hardening, the skull is still not solid, as it is made up of five fontanels (bony plates that are not connected). This allows for your baby's head to reduce its diameter as it passes through your birth canal. Don’t worry though – it will return to the adorable round-shaped head afterwards. This ‘soft spot’ will remain until up to your baby's first birthday. Your baby's brain is developing more distinct functions, and is capable of controlling breathing, digestive functions, and body temperature. Your baby can now tell the difference between day and night, although this will make no difference when your baby is hungry at all hours. Lungs are almost completely ready for breathing on their own, and if born now, your baby would only need a little medical support.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 32- Squash

Mommy is still resting at home to keep the contractions from affecting the pregnancy. Other than that, I am feeling great! I still love being pregnant and feeling your little kicks and jabs on a daily basis. So far, the doctor is happy to report that everything looks good!

Your Baby
With space becoming increasingly scarce for your baby every day, movements may begin to be less dramatic and much slower, almost as if your little one is practicing a synchronized swimming routine. The fetal position is becoming a familiar position to your baby. Your baby can now use all five of the senses, and is busy looking about, practicing breathing, grabbing whatever your baby can reach, tasting amniotic fluid, and listening to the sound of your and your partner’s voice. If you’re carrying twins, there is even less space for your babies to move, and they may decide to make an early appearance this month. Your baby or babies, will weigh about three and a half pounds at this point.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 31- Pineapple

Happy St. Patrick's Day to our Lil' Lucky Charm Rylan Renee!

This week daddy and I took our maternity photos. Here are a few of our favorites:

Your Baby
Your baby weighs about 3.5 pounds now, and fat continues to accumulate under the skin. While your baby can gain as much as a half a pound a week now until birth, this varies from baby to baby. The lanugo (body hair) is continuing to shed, although babies born prematurely may still have some of this at birth. Even though the lungs are the last organ to fully develop, your baby is practicing breathing 30 to 40 percent of the time. Bones are busy hardening and preparing to support your baby's body after birth. The adrenal glands, which produce those important hormones called steroids, have doubled in size in the last ten weeks. These hormones are responsible for the growth and development of sex organs.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 30- Cucumber

This week was a very busy week! The baby shower invitations are out! Mommy really wants to read to you every night so we asked everyone at the baby shower to bring a book and sign it. We also got a sneak peak of you this week! You are beautiful! Our Dr. sent us for a 3D ultrasound to check on your heart. They said that everything looked perfect and that you are a perfectly healthy baby. This was the best news of all. We think that you look like mommy's baby picture. You already weigh 3.13 pounds this week!

Your Baby
Your baby can now see inside your uterus, and even though it’s dark, eyes are wide open and scoping out the environment. Your baby's brain is rapidly growing, and as a result, your little one won’t gain much weight or height this week. Red blood cells are now forming in your baby's bone marrow. Your baby is shedding, but only the lanugo on the skin, not the hair that you and your partner are waiting patiently to see. The hair on your baby's head is actually growing thicker at this point. There is now lung fluid in the alveoli (air sacks) lungs to help your little one take that first breath at birth. Your baby may begin to position itself for birth anytime from now on.