Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 29- Acorn Squash

Mommy and Grandma Cindi were very busy this week working on a craft for your room! Grandpa Dan helped too! I bought wooden letters and Grandpa Dan painted them. Then Grandma Cindi and I hung the letters onto a decorative and hung it up in your room! I hope you will be able to keep it for a very long time.

Your Baby
Whether you are having one baby or two, they will each be approximately the same size, about three pounds. Your baby's brain is now in charge of body temperature, and also controls breathing. Your baby's irises can now respond to light by dilating and contracting. All the internal organs are maturing in preparation to function on their own at birth. You may even feel your baby cough. The skin on your baby is beginning to look less wrinkly, and more like it will at birth. The fat under the skin will help to regulate body temperature at birth as well. Your baby's head is much more proportionate with the rest of its body now. Your baby is bursting with energy at this point, and you’ll be feeling every bit of it. 

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