Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week 16- Avocado- Feeling Some Action in There!

I have felt teeny tiny flutters the past few weeks. However, this week I know it is you for sure! The first time I finally realized it was a large movement on November 27th, 2012. You have been moving around like crazy at night when I lay down. You begin after dinnertime and continue for the remainder of the night. I can't feel you as well when I am moving around during the day but I can sure feel those little kicks when I am relaxing!

Your Baby
Even though your baby is still quite small, only about the length of your mascara, its heart is now pumping approximately 25 quarts of blood every single day. Your baby is continually becoming more active, busy practicing all those movements that the tiny body already can perform. The bones inside your baby's body are hardening, and those tiny legs and arms are now completely formed. Even though your baby's eyes are still closed for the time being, they are making little movements, and even have the ability to sense changes in light through the eyelids. Your baby's flexible thumbs now make it possible to grasp, preparing for the day when that tiny hand will wrap around your own finger.

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