Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Baby Room Underway!

Auntie Noelle and picked up your crib today at Buy Buy Baby and then we assembled it! It is so exciting to begin preparing your room for you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week 16- Avocado- Feeling Some Action in There!

I have felt teeny tiny flutters the past few weeks. However, this week I know it is you for sure! The first time I finally realized it was a large movement on November 27th, 2012. You have been moving around like crazy at night when I lay down. You begin after dinnertime and continue for the remainder of the night. I can't feel you as well when I am moving around during the day but I can sure feel those little kicks when I am relaxing!

Your Baby
Even though your baby is still quite small, only about the length of your mascara, its heart is now pumping approximately 25 quarts of blood every single day. Your baby is continually becoming more active, busy practicing all those movements that the tiny body already can perform. The bones inside your baby's body are hardening, and those tiny legs and arms are now completely formed. Even though your baby's eyes are still closed for the time being, they are making little movements, and even have the ability to sense changes in light through the eyelids. Your baby's flexible thumbs now make it possible to grasp, preparing for the day when that tiny hand will wrap around your own finger.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

16 Week Appointment

We were hoping to be able to see you today. However, today was just a regular check up with no ultrasound. The Dr. listened to your heartbeat and it was in the 140's today. The Dr. said babies heartbeats are quick in the beginning and then settle down to their regular rates as you get further along. The old wives tales say above 140 is a girl and below 140 is a boy! We shall see!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 15- Pear- Our Lil' Turkey


Happy Thanksgiving! Grandma Cindi had Thanksgiving at her house for the Shanahan side at noon. Then, Mommy & Daddy hosted Thanksgiving for the McCord side of the family. I made my first turkey and Grandma Lisa, Papa Dan and Aunt Noelle came over.

Your Baby
You may not be feeling as tired, but your little one is now able to rub its eyes, yawn and even blink. If you eat or drink something that your baby doesn’t like, you may notice a tug on the umbilical cord – not really, but your baby now has the ability to grasp the cord. Your baby's hairline is forming, and hair is now growing on its head. Even eyelashes and eyebrows are growing. If you’re hoping to find out the sex of your baby, unfortunately it is still too early, but it won’t be long. Even though your baby is hiccupping regularly, there is no sound as your baby's windpipe is full of fluid at this stage. Your baby can also now hear sounds.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Daddy and Mommy's First Anniversary

Today was our very first wedding anniversary. It is funny to think how fast things have changed! Last year we were getting married and this year we are so lucky to say that you are on the way! We celebrated tonight by eating a piece of the cake from our wedding night and having a toast with the flutes from our wedding night. After that, we watched our wedding video and reminisced about that exciting day on November 19th, 2011.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Celebrating Our One Year Wedding Anniversary

Daddy and I celebrated our Anniversary in downtown Chicago. We went to The Christmas Carol play first. After that we went to dinner at a fondue restaurant called The Melting Pot. We ended the night by bundling up and watching the Chicago Christmas lighting and the parade. Next year we will be lucky enough to have you around during our second wedding anniversary!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week 14- Peach

Your Baby
Your baby is now twisting and turning all those tiny joints in its body, and continually moving around inside your uterus. Lanugo - those tiny hairs all over a baby’s body - are growing, and these will eventually make the fingerprint pattern on your baby's fingers. Your baby's skin is very translucent at this point, and all of the tiny veins in its body are visible. The lungs continue to develop and your baby is practicing its breathing with the amniotic fluid on a regular basis. Your baby may already be sucking its thumb by now. Your peach-sized baby can now frown, grimace, and squint, and your baby's reflexes are becoming stronger and more frequent. If there are two babies growing inside, it won’t long before you feel like there is a wrestling match happening inside. Your baby's arms are now proportionate to its body, but the legs are still somewhat shorter.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 13- Kiwi

Your Baby
Your baby is now about the size of a peach. Even at this size however, it is still difficult to determine the sex on an ultrasound. Your baby now has the ability to open and close its fists, and even has the ability to make sucking movements with the muscles in its mouth – it’s just a matter of time before the thumb and mouth meet. All of your baby's digestive system is developing into their final shapes, including the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines. Even your baby's lungs are practicing breathing (but only with the amniotic fluid). The lungs won’t actually breathe oxygen from the air until birth. The urine that your baby excretes into the amniotic fluid is not harmful and will be quickly removed via the umbilical cord.